معلومات حول معالجة البيانات الشخصية

من خلال ملفات تعريف الارتباط وتقنيات الويب الأخرى

يتم تشغيل هذا الموقع الإلكتروني بواسطة Škoda Auto a.s.، المكتب المسجل: tř. Václava Klementa 869 Mladá Boleslav II, 293 01 Mladá Boleslav, جمهورية التشيك، الرمز البريدي: 29360، الرقم التعريفي: 001 77 041، مسجّل في السجل التجاري الذي تحتفظ به المحكمة البلدية في براغ، ملف رقم B 332 ("Škoda Auto" أو "نحن"). تعالج Škoda Auto بياناتك الشخصية بصفتها جهة تحكم لغرض توفير الخدمات للمستخدمين ("المستخدم" أو "أنت") للموقع الإلكتروني في المسألة الموضحة أدناه في فصل "الغرض من المعالجة ووصفها".

تشرح هذه المعلومات المتعلقة بمعالجة البيانات الشخصية من خلال ملفات تعريف الارتباط وتقنيات الويب الأخرى المماثلة ("البيان") كيفية معالجتنا للبيانات الشخصية الخاصة بك من خلال تقنيات الويب على المواقع الإلكترونية التي تملكها و/أو تديرها شركة Škoda Auto ("الموقع الإلكتروني" أو "المواقع الإلكترونية"). يمكن الاطلاع على جميع المواقع الإلكترونية التي يغطيها هذا البيان في ملاحق هذا البيان.

قد نحدث هذا البيان من وقت لآخر. سيتم نشر جميع التغييرات التي يتم إجراؤها على هذا البيان على الموقع الإلكتروني، وفي حالة حدوث تغييرات جوهرية، فسيتم إخطارك بها.

1. ما هي تقنيات الويب التي يمكن أن يستخدمها الموقع الإلكتروني:

قد نستخدم نحن، وكذلك بعض الأطراف الخارجية التي تقدم محتوى أو إعلانات أو وظائف أخرى على موقعنا الإلكتروني، تقنيات مختلفة للحصول على البيانات ومعالجتها عند زيارتك للموقع الإلكتروني، وقد تشمل ملفات تعريف الارتباط وتقنيات أخرى.

ملفات تعريف الارتباط
Cookies are small files that are stored on your device and that help us collect data about your activities. In particular, cookies allow us to store your settings and preferences, remember your access data, provide targeted content and marketing communications, and help us understand, which part of our Website is the most popular and analyse the functioning of the Website. Cookies may come from us ("first party cookies") or from third parties whose services we use ("third party cookies").

Most of the browsers are set for automatic acceptance of cookies as standard. Although the Customer has the option to set the browser in such a way that the cookies are displayed before storage, or to categorically reject them. Details on the setting of cookies and related changes in the most common browsers are available here:

Google Chrome:

Internet Explorer:

Microsoft Edge:

Mozilla Firefox:



ŠKODA AUTO warns that the change in the settings always only applies to the given browser. If the Customer uses various browsers, he/she must also change the settings separately. Furthermore, the Customer can delete the cookies from the media memory at any time. Additional information is available in the function using the browser or operating system.

Whenever you can set up your browser to accept all cookies, disable them or indicate when the cookie is being sent. Please note that the Website is set to work with cookies enabled, so some of the Website properties may not work properly if the cookies are disabled.

IP address
An IP address is a unique number assigned to a computer or other device communicating through the Internet Protocol. Each time the data is transmitted, you need to know the IP address of the sender and the recipient.

Pixel is a software code, which allows for tracking of users and their behaviour on websites where pixel is deployed. It can be a basic tracking of whether a user has visited a website up to detailed tracking of actions, such as adding the product to the cart, selecting the product, sending the form, etc. Pixel may submit gathered information to a third party, i.e. to provider of the code.

Processed personal data:

The Website process following categories of personal data and data about you: Usage of the Website. We may process data on how you use the Website with your computer, phone, or other device that you access into the Website. For example, we can process:

  • Device data: hardware model, unique device identifiers, MAC address, IP address, operating system version, and device settings;
  • Log: Time and duration of the Website usage, search data, and any information stored in cookies that can uniquely identify your browser or account;
  • Location data: Data about your location obtained with various positioning technologies, such as GPS, Wi-Fi access points, or other sensors that can provide nearby device data;
  • Other data: Data about your usage of the Website that we may process if you visit or use third party sites or applications to cooperate with us, and data on how you participate with the content of the Website.

We may combine obtained personal data about you or your activities with other information we receive from publicly available sources in the cases permitted by the law.

Purpose of the processing and its description:

We process and use personal data for the following purposes:

Ensuring the functionality of the Website. Your personal data helps us to ensure the functioning of basic features such as navigation, access to secured sections of Website, fast web content retrieval, or user authentication. The Website cannot work properly without processing the data that is necessary for this purpose.

Saving user preferences on the domain for the duration of the session or for a reasonably short period. Personal data are used to increase user convenience by storing data about your settings, such as language, region, screen resolution, cookie consent and more.

Saving user preferences across websites. Personal data is used to improve user convenience by associating websites with settings such as language, region, screen resolution, cookie approval and more.

Tracking of Website Traffic: Analytical first party cookies are used to track traffic. Such cookies do not contain unique user identification.

Statistics and analysis of user behaviour. Personal data are used to create statistics, track and analyse user behaviour on various websites. Data may be used for creation of anonymized reports. The user may be looked up by certain combination of personal data stored in internal databases.

Marketing of products and connecting with social networks. Your personal data is used to inform you about products and services of ŠKODA AUTO and third parties, events, competitions, newsletters, advertisements, catalogues submissions. Some personal data is used to target the above messages. Your personal data is also used to ensure that websites are interconnected with social networks and that content can be shared through these networks.

How we process your data:

We may process some of the personal data based on a legitimate interest of ŠKODA AUTO or a third party. This applies in particular to cookies processed for the purpose of

(i) ensuring the functionality of the Website,
(ii) the storage of user preferences on the domain during the session and
(iii) the tracking of Website traffic.

For other purposes, we process your personal data only based on your consent, Provision of personal data for such processing is voluntary, so you are not required to provide such data. If you have not given us your consent, we will not process your personal data, because of this reason.

Term of processing:

With respect to cookies used to ensure the functionality of the Website, processing is terminated after the end of the session. In the case of cookies used to store preferences of users on the domain for the duration of the session or for a reasonably short period, processed based on a legitimate interest, these are processed for 6 months after the end of the last user’s session. In the case of processing on the basis of consent, personal data is processed for the term stated on the consent declaration or until the withdrawal of the consent.

Categories of processors or recipients to whom we may provide personal data:

We may, in justified cases, make the provided and obtained personal data available to other parties, which are in particular: Marketing Agencies, Group Companies, Providers of Analytical and Statistical services

Google Analytics
This Website uses Google Analytics provided by Google, Inc. ("Google"), which uses cookies to analyse how users use this Website. Specifically, the Website uses the following modules:

Google Analytics - Account status and performance monitor, audience summary, active users, user explorer, analytics audience, visitor quality, conversion probability, comparison reports, demographics and interests, user flow report, Adwords reports;

DoubleClick Digital Marketing - Integration of Doublecklick Campaign Manager, activation of remarketing and advertising reporting features in analytics, optimization of content marketing, optimization of search engine marketing, web speed;

AdSense - AdSense in analytics, content grouping, site search, events, behaviour flow report, goal creation and management, goal flow, attribution, acquisition reports, user behaviour.

Information generated by a cookie about the use of the Website (including your IP address) may be transmitted and stored on servers in the United States. Google will use this information for purposes of evaluation of the use of the Website and creation of reports about such use for its operator and provision of other services related to the activities on the Website and the use of the Internet in general. Google may also provide this information to third parties, if it is required by the law or if such third parties process this information for Google. You may disable the use cookies on the Website as described above or by changing appropriate settings in your browser, but if you do so for all types of cookies, you will not be able to make full use of all the features of this Website.

To opt out of being tracked by Google Analytics across all websites please visit: https://tools.google.com/dlpage/gaoptout

For detailed information about Google Analytics and personal data privacy, see: http://www.google.com/intl/en/privacy/privacy-policy.html.

This Website uses analytical cookies, pixels and other technologies by Facebook, Inc. ("Facebook"), allowing collection or retrieval of information from the Website and other sites on the Internet, whereas this information may be used by Facebook to provide ad measurement and targeting services. By withdrawing the consent with cookies collection on the Website or by disabling the collection of cookies in a browser, you may end collecting and the use of the information by Facebook, but if you do so for all types of cookies, you will not be able to fully use all the features of this Website.

Other parties
Your personal data may, upon request, be provided to public authorities, in particular the courts, the Police of the Czech Republic and other law enforcement authorities, as necessary and within the limits of the law.

Source of the personal data:

Directly from you.

Transfer of personal data to third countries:

In connection to the processing, your personal data may be transferred to the following third countries, i.e. countries outside of the European Economic Area.

In connection to the Google Analytics and/or the use of analytical cookies and other web technologies described above by Facebook, your personal data may be transmitted to servers located in the United States of America. Such transmission is legally permitted on the basis of the European Commission's decision on the adequate protection of the personal data and the appropriate third-party certification under the Privacy Shield, i.e. a joint legal instrument of the European Commission and the United States of America, to ensure an adequate level of protection of personal data for the transmission of personal data to the USA, as defined by the appropriate European Commission's Decision. Processing of data on the basis of such transmission does not require the fulfilment of other legal conditions.

For more information, please visit: http://www.skoda-auto.com/data-privacy

Automated decision-making on the basis of personal data that may be of legal or otherwise significant concern:

As part of this processing, there will not be any automated decision-making.

Other information

Personal data may be archived in the public interest and used for scientific, historical or statistical research purposes.

We have no control over the content of the external websites, which are hyperlinked to on the Website. We are not responsible for processing of your personal data on external websites. These hyperlinks are provided as a service to users and are accessible at your own risk.

In order to ensure maximum protection against unauthorized access or unauthorized alteration, disclosure or destruction of data we collect and process, we have taken appropriate organizational and technical measures including physical, electronic and management procedures to protect and secure the information gathered through this site. Your sensitive data and / or personal data you have entered on our Website is encrypted and protected by an SSL certificate. Notwithstanding the above, we cannot guarantee that your personal data is safe if it is transferred by you or if you treat your personal data insecurely.